About Us

Your Energy Toolkit was born out of conversations between Marjorie Fein, Robbi Kearns and Carolina Mata about how we can help others integrate Energy Medicine into their daily lives!

Whether you are new to Energy Medicine or an experienced practitioner, you will find resources and workshops that will support your journey to expand your knowledge about using energy in your everyday life. 

Our tagline is "Simple Tools for Powerful Changes" and we believe that by integrating these exercises into your daily life you can bring in the changes and transformations that you seek in your physical, mental and spiritual life.

In March 2025 we are beginning to hold monthly Webinars to share techniques on a variety of subjects that you can begin to use and see profound changes in your life.  We are currently building our Video Toolkit which is an expansive library of recorded energy exercises that will allow you to access exercises based on the Energy System or Emotional/Physical Symptom.

Please sign up for our newsletter to be notified of upcoming workshops and the release of the Video Portal!

We are glad you are here - and look forward to going on this journey with you all!

Carolina, Marjorie, & Robbi

Don't miss our newsletter! 

Whether you are interested in beginning to explore Energy Medicine or are a seasoned Energy Professional wanting to add more tools to their toolkit, we hope you will sign up for our newsletter so we can keep you informed up upcoming projects and workshops.

We will send minimal emails and you can unsubscribe at any time.